Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently requested cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Breast implants can provide a wide range of correction, whether you are considering breast enlargement to provide volume for under developed breasts, or you want to restore breast volume lost after child bearing or weight loss. There are many facets to consider with breast enhancement: Size, Filler (Silicone or Saline), Shapes, Profiles, Surface (Smooth or Textured), Placement, Incisions and Postoperative Activity. All these should be considered before the plans for Breast Augmentation are finalized.
Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos (Augmentation Mammoplasty with Breast Implants)

With the option of using several different breast augmentation techniques, the method that can give you the best breast augmentation results, in the safest and most predictable way possible, can be selected. A personalized, in-office consultation appointment is the only way to choose the most appropriate path to your breast enhancement. Below is some basic information to help provide a foundation for the process.
Breast Augmentation Video Presentation
Breast Implant Care: Before, the Day of & After Your Surgery
What happens before, during and after your Breast Augmentation Surgery can directly affect your results. Below are some general rules. What follows cannot substitute for a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, but is provided to give you some details regarding what to expect around the time of surgery. Your instructions may vary depending on the details of your surgery, your surgeon and your overall health.
Breast Implant Care: Before Your Surgery
Preparation for surgery includes a few simple steps that are necessary to improve the safety and predictability of your breast augmentation. Some are true of any surgery, and some are specific to breast augmentation. Dr. Mele will tailor your care specifically to you, so be certain to follow the instructions given at your pre-op visit. Here are a few things that are usually necessary:
- DO NOT eat before your surgery. In general, you should take nothing by mouth after midnight, the night before your surgery. Certain prescription medications may be taken with a small sip of water, but be certain to review these with Dr. Mele.
- AVOID aspirin (Bayer, Excedrin, Ecotrin), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naprosyn (Alleve, Naproxen, Anaprox), or other over the counter pain medications that may lead to excess bleeding. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), is okay.
- DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS should be stopped 1 to 2 weeks before surgery to avoid complications. This includes Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Ginseng, Gingko, Echinacea and many many others. Be certain to bring a list of all medications, dietary supplements and herbs you are taking to your pre-op visit to avoid potential problems.
- If you are taking Arnica Montana to decrease post operative bruising and swelling, take the first tablet, the night before surgery.
Breast Implant Care: The Day of Your Surgery
- You will need a friend to drive you home.
- WEAR loosing fitting clothes. A shirt that buttons or zips down the front will be easier to get on and off.
- Bring a good support brassiere (no underwire or push-up bras) with you the day of your operation. The band size (the number) should be the same as before surgery. The cup size (the letter) should be the planned size after surgery. In other words, if you are a 34A before surgery, and the goal is to be a C-cup, you should bring a 34C bra, without an underwire, with you on the day of surgery.
Breast Implant Care: After Your Surgery
CALL DR. MELE AT (925) 943-6353 IF:
- You are bleeding excessively (a small amount on the dressings or bra is normal).
- You have discomfort not relieved by your pain medication.
- You have any signs of infection: redness, swelling of incision, drainage from incision, or fever of 101 degrees or above.
- You have persistent (more than 24 hours) vomiting. In this case, you should also discontinue pain and antibiotic medications.
Post-Surgical Diet:
A small percentage of patients may experience nausea after anesthesia; this may continue for 24 hours. After your breast augmentation, take liquids only until your stomach has settled. You may have a soft diet in the evening, if you are not nauseated. Resume your regular diet the next day, as tolerated. Pain medications and antibiotics can also induce nausea. If your nausea is persisting longer than 24 hours, contact the office.
- LIMIT your activity to the house for the first 24 to 48 hours.
- ABSOLUTELY NO strenuous sports (aerobics, tennis, skiing, or jogging) for six (6) weeks.
- DO NOT reach above shoulder height, nor bend below waist level, for two (2) weeks after the surgery.
- DO NOT lift weights exceeding twenty (20) pounds for six (6) weeks.
- YOU MAY drive your car in three (3) days with caution, wearing lap and shoulder seat belts.
- YOU SHOULD sleep on your back for one (1) week.
- DO wear a bra. If you remove the bra to wash it, replace it with another. If the bra is comfortable, you may leave it on until your first postoperative office visit. Sleep in your brassiere for two weeks. You should not make a habit of going braless during the day unless you have been specifically instructed to do so. Unless instructed otherwise, you must wear your bra for 24 hours/day, for the first two weeks, following your surgery (DO NOT remove it when you sleep). Dr. Mele strongly recommends that you continue to wear a bra (without an underwire) for 12 hours/day for the first six months after surgery.
Care of the Surgical Site:
Swelling of the breasts is normal postoperatively, and will gradually decrease over a two to three week period. The incisions are sutured with dissolvable sutures. These will be trimmed at your postoperative visit. Keep your dressing dry at all times. The dressing will be removed in the office after surgery. You may remove the dressing sooner, if directed to do so. The Steri-Strips (tapes) on the skin should not be removed at home. They are helping to keep the incision closed, and will be removed in the office.
Bathing Instructions:
If your pain pump catheters are in place, take sponge baths only until your first postoperative visit. After the catheters are removed you may shower. If you do not have pain pump catheters in place, and you are cleared to shower, allow the water to hit your back. It is okay if a little water runs down the front, but avoid blasting your breast with the shower spray. Do not remove the tapes (Steri-Strips) over your incisions. They may be pat-dried or air-dried after showering. These will be removed in the office. Replace your bra once you are dry.
There may be a feeling of tightness and discomfort throughout the chest area for which pain medication will be prescribed. Each day will be an improvement. You may not drink alcohol, drive or operate heavy machinery while taking your pain medication. It may cause drowsiness, and impair your judgment.
Anesthesia Instructions:
The effect of anesthesia can persist for 24 to 48 hours. Therefore, you should limit your activity to the house for that period. In addition, you should not drink alcohol, drive or operate heavy machinery for 24-48 hours after anesthesia. Do not make important financial decisions for 48 hours.
Postoperative Breast Examinations:
Resume your monthly self breast examinations. Your personal physician should resume routine breast examinations annually. You should obtain a mammogram following the guidelines set forth by the American Cancer Society.
Breast Feeding and Lactation:
Breast feeding after breast augmentation is encouraged. The current recommendation for women who have breast implants, is the same as for women without breast implants. Breast implants take up space in, or behind the breasts, and this may lower the volume of milk produced.